Saturday, December 28, 2013

Everything just sucks.


So, I'm not one to usually be writing about how I feel and shit....
Haha, what am I saying? Yes I am.

So, if people actually pay attention to my G+ posts whining about my computer and father, then you understand a little of what's going on.  

If not, whatever. I didn't expect you to.

Either way, the whole thing goes like this:
   My dad lived with his girlfriend for about two years or so. During this time, he's been trying to fix his car. Recently, he finally bought a part for it, to which she got pissed off about. Hence, now he came back to his mother's. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love my dad. He is my dad. But, at points, I just cannot stand him. This being one of them.

The house I live in, only contains two bedrooms. When my father did live with me and my grandmother, I was a bit younger, so I'd sleep in her room. When his girlfriend came a long, I was a bit older, so I slept in the living room. I didn't mind, since I already graduated and I never had anything to do.

 Now, present time.
I've got a night job, a tiring one at that, and he expects me to sleep on the couch now? I didn't argue the first day, mainly since I assumed he'd just go back to his girlfriend the next day. But, one week later, there I am, still sleeping on the fucking couch. I mean, I guess it's okay, until you mention the computer. When it comes to doing my hobbies, I prefer being alone, unbothered. I don't want to hear the basketball game in the background nor the early children shows. I don't want to hear the voice of my little sister talking to me every five minutes. I want silence. I want to hear my thoughts and my music, not you. 
To meet this complaint, he offered me to get on when he's off fixing his car or at work. To most people, this seemed oh so great. To me, I'm like, "Are you serious?" I work during the night, I sleep during the day, yet the only time I can get on without being bother is during the day? I'm a night person, not a day person. He complained about the computer having a different wallpaper and different kinds of files on it. What did you expect? After two+ years, it's not going to look the same. "Since you fucked up my computer, I'm taking your TV as mine." ... Hahahaha. As if. "As much as I rather not mention it, you're getting the new computer for income tax, I'm keeping this, " I told him. Yet he still argued, which I would prefer not to get into.

Yet, my further complaints are unheard. My grandmother, who've I've spoken to about this many nights already, says she's taking no sides, she just wants me and father to get along. How haughty. As much as to her dismay, I must disagree on some parts. I mean, yes, that is her son, of course she'll care about him and that he has a roof over his head. But, to me, my father is a grown man, still running back to mum when things go wrong. Yet in a way, he's still a boy. He can't become an adult and get an actual working car, instead he likes to pretend his car is one of those in Fast and Furious. The only difference is, his always breaks, he doesn't even need guns and missiles. It just breaks. He needs to grow up.  

My grandmother finds him living here a positive thing though. She says, "Think about it. We're going to have more food since your dad won't be taking any to the other place. When he fixes his car, also transportation!" The only plus I find is that I get transportation. Even then, that's a long shot since he'll be out and about on the streets. Whatever extra food we have, he'll most likely finish. I find absolutely no positives in him staying here, at least for me. Sometimes, I wish I could just leave. Move out and live somewhere else. Of course, being a "minor", I couldn't. I'm just kind of sick of this. Maybe... no. I couldn't run away. I'd literally break grandmother's heart if I did.

Oh well. The world just seems to want to screw me over. 

        On a side note, I got about two bad burns at work on Christmas eve and day. Such Holiday spirit!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Quick-quick fanfiction. "Stop being an idiot Len."

So I got this new Pokemon font for my computer and I tend to like writing out chat logs with new fonts so I did this sort of "Chat Log/Visual Novel" word type scenerio. YAOI, YO. 
     Rei x Len used to be my OTP so stfu.

What do you want?

Nothing man! Just.. you know, wanted to chill.

...Hm. Whatever.

So, uh, what'cha doing? 

*shrug* Nothing much.

Really!? Hahaha... m-me either.. 

Len-kun, why are you so fidgety? 

Yeah. You look like a freaking Chihuahua. 

N-no I-I don't! 


Uh.. hey, Rin. Can you go get me some bananas from the store? I ran out.. 


*stares at Len* ... agh. Come on Rin! Let's go. I want to stop by that nice looking butler cafe anyways!

Oh, there's .. a new...? LET'S GO. *pulls Rui along*

Rin and Rui have left.

Well then.

Just you and me now, haha!

Obviously. So what now?

Want.. to uh.. well, I needed to say something... dammit... Sorry.


It's just a lot harder than I thought.

. . .?

You're so oblivious, man! I... y'know... l-l-like... *cough* you *cough*.

  ...What was that?

I- *sigh* Never mind.. I'd only end up broken anyways, dude.

... *slight smirk* It's a shame. *looks away* I really would've like to know.


*looks back at Len* It's a shame, I said. If only you were more keen to understand that not all things turn bad.

T-then that means!?

Repeat what you said.


... Heh. That's much better.

So.. then.. y-you!?

*leans close and kisses Len on lips*  I love you too, idiot.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Introduction thing?

     Well hello there. My name is [please insert name here]. You've seem to stumbled upon my little blog thingy. Welcome. You may call me Master, since well, ahaha. I like being called master~. So uh.. hm. Since I'm not good with this kind of stuff, I'll just list basic information, okay? Okay.

Age: 16, born on March 28th. So, Aries.
Gender: Haha, female.

Oh look, basic information. ^
Anyways, so let's see. I guess this is the point I name things I like? Well, let's begin.
     So I like Vocaloid (of course.) for a start. My favorite none-fanmade Vocaloid has to be Kagamine Rin, followed along by Yuzuki Yukari. I used to be a Len fangirl, //shiver. I found out about Rei around 2011 or so? I started roleplaying him in around 2012. ANYWAYS. So yes, I'm always up for a talk about Vocaloid. Ialsolikegettingrequests.

     So, I really love Doctor Who. Yeah. So if you're into that, talk to me. I will love you. None of my friends are into it, so I'm here all alone with it. At least they know what Weeping Angels. I'll scare them sometime. That'll be fun. Pranks are fun.

     So, Homestuck.... I have a terrible Love-Hate relationship with it. I hate it mainly since EVERYONE TALKS SO MUCH ABOUT IT. But, once I get stuck into the HS videos on YouTube, I don't mind. My Patron troll is Aradia. My favorite ship is Aradia x Sollux, and I like Eridan, yo. I sometimes roleplay them, but... meh.

    Other shit. Okay. So, hm. Let's get into more personal details, since I feel like doing that.
So my mother split when I was one year old. Mainly since she problems and stuff.  So from that, I lived with my dad's family. My grandmother took me pretty much as her own. Shit happened. Met mother after 14 years. OD happened. Graduation. Dad moved away with bitchy girlfriend and siblings. Online people happened. Typing a post of this stuff happened too.

     Anyways, besides that. Yep. That's pretty how my life became. A little hikikomori, stuffed in her room feeling the feels. Ahem. ANYWAYS. So, yeah.. I'll write more shit about that some other time. 
 this is kind 0f getting ann0ying t0 write right n0w 0_0
So peace, my Reigers.